Ruud Bos

Ruud Bos has worked for 30 years in the international energy industry and has a unique experience in up-, mid- and downstream for oil, gas, power, heat and renewables.
Work experience
2014 - 2018: Managing Director and Technical Director globally for ENGIE E&P and Neptune Energy.
2010 - 2014: CEO Electrabel Netherlands.
2008 - 2010: President ENGIE E&P US.
2003 - 2008: Managing Director Gaz de France Marketing & Trading the Netherlands.
2000 - 2003: B2B Director Eneco and Eneco Shell Partnership JV
1989 - 2000: Number of positions at Gasunie/Gasterra.
University of Groningen, MA in Management Science
Dutch, English and German fluent, French moderate.